Monthly Archives: August 2010

How to Check Metal Dome when you receive it?

When customers receive the metal dome, how to check it is qualified or not. Maybe you will say: “ I do not have professional equipment as you, so that it is difficult to check them.” No, you are wrong. It … Continue reading

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Withdraw Money from Your Paypal Account

In previous article, we wrote “How to Send and Receive Money via Paypal” and now if you already have money in your Paypal A/C and then want to withdraw it to your bank, then follows these steps. In fact, you … Continue reading

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How to Send and Receive Money via Paypal

In previous article on Nov 2006, we started to accept the payment via Paypal with your credit card (refer to this: New Payment for Small Charge: Credit Card and Paypal) Now more people want to know how to send and receive … Continue reading

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