分类目录归档:Metal Domes

Chiefly talking about metal dome, such as what’s it, how to make, metal dome industry technology and news, and so on.

What is a silver metal dome switch?

What is a silver switch? The core compon … 继续阅读

发表在 FAQ, Metal Domes | 标签为 , | What is a silver metal dome switch?已关闭评论

What is a micro smd switch? High Quality&Customization

A micro SMD switch is a small switch tha … 继续阅读

发表在 metal dome related, Metal Domes | 标签为 , , | What is a micro smd switch? High Quality&Customization已关闭评论

Oblong metal dome High Quality&Customization

The oblong metal dome is a regular recta … 继续阅读

发表在 Metal Domes, Oblong Metal Dome | 标签为 , | Oblong metal dome High Quality&Customization已关闭评论

Three different production processes of Light Guide Film

At present, there are three different li … 继续阅读

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What advantages of LGF (light guide film)?

When says light, it’s natural to t … 继续阅读

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The Quality Inspection of the Metal Dome

Metal dome is an important part used for … 继续阅读

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The Structure of the Metal Dome Array

Metal dome array, generally, is double l … 继续阅读

发表在 metal dome array, metal dome related, Metal Domes | 留下评论

What are the Main Applications of Different Metal Domes?

We all know that there are four types of … 继续阅读

发表在 Circle metal dome, Four leg metal dome, Membrane Switches, metal dome array, metal dome related, Metal Domes, Oblong Metal Dome, Triangle metal dome | 标签为 | What are the Main Applications of Different Metal Domes?已关闭评论

Do you know the differences of tooling types that making metal dome?

Normally we will use two types punching … 继续阅读

发表在 Circle metal dome, metal dome array, Metal Domes | Do you know the differences of tooling types that making metal dome?已关闭评论

What’s light guild film and what function of it?

LGF, also known as light guide film&nbsp … 继续阅读

发表在 LGF dome array, metal dome array, Metal Dome Assembly, Metal Domes | 标签为 | What’s light guild film and what function of it?已关闭评论