Dragon Boat Festival Coming Again

How time flying! Chinese Dragon Boat Festival (Duan Wu Festival) coming again. We have gone through many economical issue in past time, but we overcome it and now, around the word, business is picking up and we wish the good signal will be continued.

For new guy to our blog, you can visit our previous article about Dragon Boat Festival: “Happy Dragon Boat Festival“. I think you’ll be understand it.

Here I would like to share some pictures I took in last year while watching the Dragon Boat Race. A picture worth thousands of words 🙂

Dragon Boat View 1

You can see how many people watch the race, by the river.

Drago Boat Race

Wawa… I like this 🙂

This is a Dragon Boat

This is what a Dragon boat is. Do you see the Dragon in front of boat?

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About Peter

In order to share something about the metal dome, metal dome array and other related information about switch, I am glad to release this blog for you. Enjoy it today :-)
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